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Help@CS runs an internal Jenkins CI server to automate the building and deployment of Moodle and other services.

Help@CS Jenkins (Must be on the CU VPN)

Problem: Connection Refused

  1. SSH into ci.csel.io
    ssh ci.csel.io
  2. Change to root user
    sudo su -
  3. Change to user colemat
    su - colemat
  4. Start the Jenkins container
    cd /compose/jenkins

Problem: SSL certificate expired

  1. SSH into ci.csel.io
    ssh ci.csel.io
  2. Change to root user
    sudo su -
  3. Change to user colemat
    su - colemat
  4. Start the Jenkins container
    docker run -it --rm       -v certbot:/etc/letsencrypt       certbot/certbot       certonly       --webroot --webroot-path=/etc/letsencrypt/webroot/ci.csel.io
  5. Provide the FQDN when prompted