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Runestone eBooks offer rich content to ask questions such as a programming task, multiple choice question, or watch a video. We self-host our Runestone ebooks which are run on the Runestone eBook server. There are many eBooks available to use right away, or you can create/modify your own eBook version. For example, a modified version of “How to Think Like a Computer Scientist” could be tailored to meet your specific course needs.

CU CS Runestone: http://runestone-ucbcs.csel.io/

Official website: http://runestoneinteractive.org/

List of available eBooks: http://runestoneinteractive.org/library.html

Request Access

If you want to use a eBook as is, you can just send an email request to help@cs.colorado.edu and ask to create a new book for Course Name - Number and Term.

For instance, CSCI-1300 Fall 2018 would like to use “Everyday Python”

Custom eBooks

If you want to modify a book, or create your own, would be to create the book locally and then once complete, you can push to our bitbucket repository at: https://bitbucket.org/cubouldercsci/ ;

The best way to create your own ebooks is to follow the instructions using the link below. If you need help, we can walk you through the process of how to use these tools and test out your eBook before going live.


Once you have built and tested your Runestone ebook locally and have committed your final push to the https://bitbucket.org/cubouldercsci/ repository, please send a request to help@cs.colorado.edu with your bitbucket info, course name & number, term, and book name. We will setup the new book for you and you can begin serving the contents out to your student users.