TpenguinTrace allows you to see the instructions that code compiles down to and see how they get executed in order to run a program.
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penguinTrace allows you to see the instructions that code compiles down to and see how they get executed in order to run a program. penguinTrace starts a web-server, and then code can be entered into the web interface. After compiling the code (▶), the interface will show the source code on the left and the assembly on the right. The current line of code will be highlighted on both sides.

Install Docker

If you do not already have Docker installed, please follow the directions from the Docker website to install Docker on your personal computer.

Install penguinTrace

Once Docker has been installed, open a Terminal window on your computer, and run the following command:

docker build -t penguinTrace

Running penguinTrace

With Docker and penguinTrace installed, open a terminal window and run the following command:

docker run -it -p --tmpfs /tmp:exec --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --rm --security-opt apparmor=unconfined penguintrace penguintrace

Using penguinTrace

Once you have started penguinTrace, simply point your web browser to

Managing penguinTrace

In the terminal window, you can use the following keys to control the running container

  q - Shutdown server
  l - List active sessions
  k - Kill all active sessions